Naturmade Devil's Claw is sourced from an indigenous South African plant and is a Natural pain reliever & natural anti-inflammatory supplement. Indigenous South African herbs, Indigenous south African remedies.






Devil’s Claw is a perennial plant with creeping stems that bear thorny fruit. Indigenous to South Africa, it is a fearsome looking fruit (hence the name) which has been proven, scientifically, to alleviate pain caused by Arthritis and inflammation.

“Regarded in natural medicine as a natural treatment for inflammatory joint disorders. It may be equally effective as allopathic therapies, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or may allow for dose reductions of cessation of these drugs in some patients.” Source: (Gagnier JJ, Chrubasik S, Manheimer E. Harpgophytum procumbens for Osteoarthritis and low back pain: a systematic review. BMC Complement Altern Med 2004;4:13)


  • Eases the aches and pains of rheumatism and arthritis
  • May cure digestive disorders in a manner similar to bitters, and reduce gastrointestinal upset
  • The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Devil’s Claw are used to treat Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Fibrositis, Gout, Lumbago, Myalgia, Sciatica and Rheumatic disease
  • Treatment of Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
  • Tendonitis
  • Eases heart burn
  • Can treat fever & migraines


The greatest efficacy observed, has been in the treatment of semi-chronic rather than acute pain. Devil’s Claw is excellent for on-going joint pain relief.

Devil's Claw is regarded as safe to take in pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding, however, as a potent digestive tonic herb, it may cause an upset stomach when used in higher doses. It is therefore recommended to be avoided if there is a sensitive or inflamed digestive lining such as in peptic ulcers.


In a randomised study in patients with back pain, treatment with Devil's claw extract (equivalent to 6gms of root and containing 50mg of harpagoside) for 4 weeks, demonstrated a significant reduction of pain compared to placebo and more patients in the treatment group, were pain free at the end of the study. A similar study confirmed these results finding more patients receiving the Devil's claw, pain free at the end of another 4 week trial. Source: (Chrubasik S et al: Eur J Anaesthesiol 16(2):118-129, 1999)


Take one tablet three times a day. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.


Clients who like Devil's Claw, tend to also order:
Selenium EAC and Gastro-Eze.


"I had borderline Rheumatism when I got the tip to try Devil's Claw. I was in terrible pain, could not bend my fingers. After finishing one bottle I stopped suffering those terrible pains and stiffness. Now I only drink 2 tablets should I feel stiffness in my hands. I am pain-free today." - Ronel Swart, Nov 2021

"I have osteo-arthritis in my shoulder joint and already had a debridement. The surgeon told me that I would need to nurse the shoulder with NSAIDS and further, regular debridements until I was old enough to make the needed shoulder replacement appropriate. Then I discovered Naturmade's Devil's Claw and not only have I been able to drastically reduce my intake of NSAIDS to minimal levels (thereby avoiding nasty side-effects), but it is now already two years after I was supposed to have gone for another debridement and it hasn't been necessary! Together with an anti-inflammatory diet, I cannot recommend Devil's Claw highly enough. Naturmade delivers my orders fast and are always ready to offer additional advice." - R Pieterse

"Frees joints up in the mornings. Very good." - Pamela Curtis

"Naturmade Devil's claw has made such a difference to my hip pain! I must be one of your greatest fans in the Eastern Cape. I tell people far and wide about the product. My masseuse is now also recommending it to her patients with lower back and hip pain. It is the most amazing supplement that I have ever encountered. No side effects either!" - Claudette Hancocks

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