Naturmade So-Sober is a natural alternative for treating hangovers, relieves hangovers, hangover prophylactic, detoxifies after alcohol indulgence.






Naturmade So-Sob'r is a targeted Activated Charcoal formulation to help prevent the toxic after-effects of over-indulgence and treat hangovers.

While there is no cure for a hangover, the highly activated charcoal in So-Sob’r works by absorbing the toxic residue left after a drinking binge. Activated Charcoal does not actually absorb the alcohol and will not reduce your chances of getting drunk. It will, however, work to suck up the toxic residue left after a heavy night out.

According to Jerrold B. Leikin M.D., Director of Medical Toxicology at NorthShore University HealthSystem: "The nausea you feel during a hangover is due to the fact that alcohol is an irritant to the stomach. It causes gastritis, or inflammation of the stomach lining." According to Leikin, alcohol causes a build-up of lactic acid in the body, as well as increased pancreas and intestinal secretion. "Alcohol stimulates the pancreatic enzymes, which makes the pancreas secrete more than usual. Any one of these things can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. All together, they conspire to keep you within arm's reach of a toilet for a good portion of your day."

This is where So-Sob’r comes to the fore. As the highest quality activated charcoal available, it works by absorbing these toxic by-products that are dumped into your intestines, keeping the worst symptoms of a hangover at bay. In short, it serves to ‘soak’ up the residue and toxins left over from alcohol consumption.

Naturmade's activated charcoal is the very same substance used in emergency rooms to deal with drug overdoses and poisonings. It will protect your intestines with the same vigour it does for serious poisonings. Read more about our class-leading, medicinal grade activated charcoal here.


  • Helps prevent & alleviate hangovers by escorting some of the symptom-causing culprits right through the digestive system.
  • Damaging substances are adsorbed by the porous surfaces of the charcoal particles.
  • So-Sob'r is not digested or dissolved by the acids or alkalis of the digestive tract and therefore not absorbed into the blood stream, rendering it totally non-toxic.


Take 5 Capsules before drinking and 5 more before going to bed. Drink a large glass of water with the last 5 capsules.


  • Activated charcoal is not toxic (and since it is not absorbed in the intestines, it has no impact on the kidneys by itself), however it may interfere with the absorption of any medication you are taking within an hour before or after taking So-Sob'r.


Clients who like So-Sob'r, tend to also order:
Gastro-Eze and Buffered C.


"My varsity friends and I pounced on So-Sob'r the moment it hit the shelves! It doesn't give one the freedom to go mad, but it really does help to reduce the worst hangover symptoms and I feel my system recovers more quickly from alcohol over-indulgence. I take 7 capsules before I go out, 7 more before I go to sleep, as well as when I wake up the next morning, always with lots of water." - Robin (University Student)

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